Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Badge err… Emblem of Heroism Pick Order from Tanktips


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via by admin on 11/28/08

Well before we go all crazy with saying who's more important than who, let's take a look at our line up from most to least expensive to purchase with Emblems of Heroism. (These are attainable from Heroics, Daily Heroic Quests and the current 10 man raids)

1. The Chain

Chained Military Gorget gets the nod as the number 1 pick not only because it's the cheapest, but also because it simply has inadequate competition. Even though there's a number of similar level epic items, none are quite as well itemized for early progression as this one. If you already have made Titanium Earthguard Chain then you may consider pushing this one down on the list, but it is still better, so you'll want to pick up the Gorget regardless. I should also note that you'll still want to grab Medallion of the Disgraced when it crosses your path for a Block Value set. It's not better nor worse than the Emblem neckpiece, just different.

2. The Chest

We jump from the cheapest emblem item to the most expensive with our 2nd choice being Chestguard of the Lost Protector with turns into this. There's only one other similar level epic chestpiece and it's just not as good. (nor as accessible by a long shot) Obviously since this item is attainable via raiding if your guild is within striking distance of Gluth you may consider holding off on picking up this item at all and instead choose to acquire it that way.

3. The Grips

Still at the hefty mark of 60 emblems, Gloves of the Lost Protector ala Heroes' Dreadnaught Handguards get the nod for the 3rd spot even with a lot of other epic quality gloves to choose from. They get this spot because they're simply a whole lot better than the rest and completing the 2 piece T7 set bonus is definitely nothing to scoff at. That being said, these puppies can be acquired via killing Sartharion in 10 man mode and as a result, may move down the list on your priorities if your guild is already consistently killing him. (which with zero drakes up, is fairly easy)

4. The Tube

Coming in at 4th place not because it's especially bad, but simply because it's predecessors are better. Waistguard of Living Iron is an excellent belt with really no other like piece. (You'll still want to get Waistguard of the Tutor down the road though for your Block Value set) While you're making your way down the list though, I implore you to acquire Ancient Aligned Girdle from Anub'arak in Azjol-Nerub until you've got the Emblems to pick up the superior piece.

5. The Toy

The 5th and final (yes, final) piece I'll be recommending you snag is Valor Medal of the First War otherwise known as the big brother of the ubiquitous pocketwatch that we all loved at 70. Due to a more challenging Defense level required to reach uncrittable (540), you won't necessarily be able to use this immediately which is part of the reason it's so far down on the list. Nonetheless, it's a very nice trinket that you should pick up and will certainly utilize once your Defense allows.

The Shield…

Time for the potentially controversial part…

Don't pick up the Shield. Why?

The Shield has two relatively easy to obtain competitors that are nearly identical.

Now certainly, if your luck is bad in Stratholme, you can't afford the Shield Wall and you've made it this far down the list by all means take it, but between you and me… let's just hope that's not the case.

…and that's a wrap! Look for the Emblem of Valor pick order in the near future too!


Things you can do from here: